Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance that is produced
by the body to protect the ear canal from dust, bacteria, and other
foreign particles. While it is important for ear health, too much earwax
can cause blockages that can lead to hearing loss, earaches, and even
infections. Here are some reasons why earwax removal is important for
your overall health.
1. Improved hearing: Earwax blockages can cause muffled hearing,
making it difficult to hear clearly. By removing the blockage, you can
improve your hearing and reduce the risk of permanent hearing loss.
2. Prevention of ear infections: Excessive earwax can create a
breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. This can lead to ear infections
that can cause pain, fever, malodor and even hearing loss. Regular
earwax removal can help prevent these infections.
3. Relief from earaches: When earwax builds up, it can press against
the eardrum and cause pain. Removing the blockage can provide relief
from earaches.
4. Easier use of hearing aids and earbuds: Earwax can make it
difficult to wear hearing aids and earbuds, and can cause them to
become dislodged and plugged. In addition, earwax is the most common
cause of damage to hearing aids that are returned to the manufacturer
for repair. Regular earwax removal can make it easier to use these
5. Eliminates ringing: When earwax plugs the ear canal you can hear
your heart beating. This is called pulsating tinnitus. Removing the
blockage immediately corrects this problem.
Earwax Removal at Home
One can safely remove earwax at home with the help of earwax
softening drops and irrigation with warm water. There are many earwax
removal kits available. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions
For those who have hardened or impacted earwax, manual removal by an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist may be necessary.
In conclusion, earwax removal is important for overall ear health and
preventing problems such as hearing loss, ear infections, and earaches.
It's important to consult a healthcare professional if you have difficulty
removing earwax, or have symptoms such as pain, hearing loss, or
ringing in the ears.
Note: It's important to never use cotton swabs, paperclips, ear picks,
curettes or other objects in an attempt to remove earwax, as this can
push the wax further into the ear canal and cause injury.